Study: Wages in Greece decrease by 19.1% since 2010

A study by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), announced on Monday, notes that wage-earners in nine EU countries, including Greece, are worse off now than they were - as a whole - in 2010.The ETUI is the independent research and training centre of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).According to the study, wages in the nine EU members imploded since 2010, with Greece holding the unenviable "top spot" in terms of losses - a 19.1-percent drop in wages between 2010 and 2017.Cyprus follows, with a 10.2-percent loss, while Portugal, another recipient of a bailout by institutional creditors, is third, with an 8.3-percent decrease in wages since 2010.Read more here.RELATED TOPICS: Greece, Greek tourism news, Tourism in Greece, Greek islands, Hotels in Greece, Travel to Greece, Greek destinations , Greek travel market, Greek tourism statistics, Greek tourism reportPhoto Source: Wikimedia Commons Copyright: EahJoseph License: CC-BY-SASource: