The cost of work-related accidents and diseases in Austria

Occupational accidents and illnesses cause suffering for the people concerned and their families and high economic costs for health systems and society. As part of a multi-year research project that ended in 2019, EU-OSHA published The value of occupational safety and health and the societal costs of work-related injuries and diseases, a comprehensive and detailed study to estimate the financial burden of work-related injuries and diseases at a European level.In the light of EU-OSHA´s detailed analysis, the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) presents now “Die Kosten arbeitsbedingter Unfälle und Erkrankungen. Österreich – The cost of work-related accidents and Diseases in Austria.” This study follows EU-OSHA´s estimation system and applies a similar methodology at an Austrian national level, combining data interpretation with specific policy and political recommendations. Find more about EU-OSHA´s study on The value of occupational safety and health and the societal costs of work-related injuries and diseases Read more about Die Kosten arbeitsbedingter Unfälle und Erkrankungen. Österreich - The cost of work-related accidents and Diseases in Austria (in German language) Let's block ads! (Why?)