Mandatory use of face masks in all indoor public places in Greece

Greek government's decision for the mandatory use of face masks in all indoor public places between August 1-31 has been published in the Government Gazette, ANA reports. Eating places, people with medical issues - such as difficulties breathing - or children under 3 years of age are exempted from the mask-wearing measure, as are hairdressers' establishments and beauty parlors if facial care is performed.  Furthermore, restrictions are imposed on visits to retirement homes, facilities for vulnerable people, refugee centers and hospitals (to Aug. 15), excepting people accompanying patients, while ceremonies for life events such as baptisms, marriages and funerals are restricted to 100 people each (Aug. 3-15), keeping social distancing. This coming week in particular (August 3 to 8), nightclubs, bars, live-music venues, bar-restaurants, cafes and such may only allow seated clients, not standing-room-only. Recommended social distances must be observed at beaches, and public and private boats, throughout the month of August, while all open-air events, including saints' festivals, are banned until August 31. Moreover, the suspension of air and land connections with Turkey, Albania and North Macedonia is extended to August 15. Also extended to August 15 are the requirements for visitors who enter Greece via Promahonas border station to have tested negatively over the last 72 hours prior to entry, and the same is true for air passengers from Bulgaria, Romania and the United Arab Emirates. RELATED TOPICS: Greece, Greek tourism news, Tourism in Greece, Greek islands, Hotels in Greece, Travel to Greece, Greek destinations, Greek travel market, Greek tourism statistics, Greek tourism report Photo Source: Let's block ads! (Why?)