Greek team conquers Mount Everest for first time after 13 years

The Greek flag is flying at the highest peak in the world after a Greek mountain climbing mission reached the top of Mount Everest at 8,848 metres. The Greek team led by Antonis Sykaris, one of the most experienced mountaineers and the co-founder and CEO of Athens Mountain Climbing Association, Mike Efremidis completed their climb on May 22 after successfully going up the final leg.The team is expected to return to Greece in the next days and give all the details of their feat. The last time a Greek team managed to climb to the top of Mount Everest was 13 years ago. The whole mission was supported and inspired by COCO-MATSleepOnNature.Read more here.RELATED TOPICS: Greece, Greek tourism news, Tourism in Greece, Greek islands, Hotels in Greece, Travel to Greece, Greek destinations , Greek travel market, Greek tourism statistics, Greek tourism reportPhoto Source: Wikimedia Commons Copyright: Papa Lima Whiskey 2 License: CC-BY-SA