Author Archives: SambaSafety

Best Practices for Driver Risk Management

Driver risk management has recently become a top issue for many organizations since it directly affects budgets and the bottom line.Employers lose an estimated $60 billion a year and nearly 3 million workdays to motor vehicle accidents. Of that total, nearly $40 billion is directly attributable to on-the-jobcrashes involving employees. It becomes clear that understanding exposure to driver risk is imperative for every organization.So what do businesses need to know to proactively address driver risk and safety issues?Download this white paper to find out!Provided by SambaSafety

Driver Monitoring: Myth vs. Reality

Despite what the myriad of industry experts might tell you, driver monitoring programs and technologies are not all created equal. In fact, this overused term varies widely not only in its definition but also in its interpretation.What is true monitoring and how can you utilize it to make your drivers and communities safer? And what are some of the most common myths that put businesses at the highest degree of risk? It's important to understand why drive monitoring is critical - and what it truly means to monitor drivers.Download this white paper to explore the three most common myths of driver monitoring.Provided by SambaSafety