European Cancer Leagues – Handbook and leaflets on how to manage cancer at work

Around 1.6 million working-age people are diagnosed with cancer in Europe every year. Cancer treatments are often accompanied by long periods of work absence. However, a growing number of employees continue to work while being treated for cancer or return to work shortly after their medical treatment ends.A year ago, the ECL Patient Support Working Group (PSWG) released its "How to manage cancer at work" Handbook for Employers. The handbook aims to increase cancer awareness in the workplace and explains how managers, supervisors, and HR departments can best support employees affected by this disease. Marking one year since this publication, ECL is re-launching the 2020 Handbook for Employers and releasing two new leaflets with tips targeting both employers and employees. EU-OSHA is happy to have had the opportunity to review and endorse these publications. Adblock test (Why?)