NCIA Report Provides Guidance to Cannabis Industry on Environmental Sustainability

The cannabis industry is one of the fastest growing and most regulated industries in the United States.  This rapid growth, both in sales and in States allowing Cannabis use, creates dynamic regulatory challenges, and unprecedented opportunity for environmental sustainability leadership.Recognizing this, the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA), has released a detailed report Environmental Sustainability in the Cannabis Industry: Impacts, Best Management Practices, and Policy Considerations, focusing on the unique environmental challenges facing businesses in the cannabis industry.“The cannabis industry has the opportunity to be a trailblazer in environmental sustainability, but unfortunately is being held back by lack of knowledge, unnecessary regulations, and onerous financial burdens, which encourage the continued existence of unregulated markets, and make it difficult for regulated businesses to implement the practices and technology they would like to use,” said Aaron Smith, co-founder and CEO of the NCIA.  “We hope cannabis businesses and regulators will work together using this report to make our industry the environmentally responsible example for other industries to follow.”The report is a collective effort produced by NCIA’s Policy Council with the assistance of national experts across a variety of disciplines – addressing issues including land use, water, energy, air quality, and waste.Click here to read the complete report.EHS Support Compliance Specialist Maureen Bayer was a contributor to this NCIA report.Let's block ads! (Why?)