Tourism Fiji Has a New Message for Visitors, ‘Our Bula Spirit Awaits You’

Domestic travel can resume within Fiji and, with the announcement that it has entered into stage two of reopening, the country is sharing a message of optimism with the world.Tourism Fiji has announced a new marketing message to visitors: “Our ‘Bula Spirit’ Awaits You.” MORE Destination & Tourism “It is an optimistic message that will rebuild consumer confidence and anticipation of a holiday to Fiji. What I like about it the most is that it focuses on what makes Fiji so special—our people,” explains Tourism Fiji’s CEO Matthew Stoeckel. “It’s part of Tourism Fiji’s four stages to market re-entry that the organization is implementing to return the destination to the international markets. In Stage One, it was all about inspiring consumers to dream about a trip to Fiji. Now, as we transition to Stage Two, it is all about giving consumers reasons to choose Fiji for their next vacation and giving them the confidence to start planning for it.”The marketing campaign will include a range of digital initiatives. A “Bula Series” will air on all social media channels. There will also be a “Happy Hour TV” news segment. Both are designed to bring to life the bula spirit.The organization has also announced a domestic campaign called “Love Our Locals” that will kickstart tourism between the islands.“We recognize that consumers are wanting positive news now more than ever,” said Ruth Daly, regional manager North America. “During these challenging times, we’ve seen Fiji’s people really showcase the ‘Bula Spirit’ through their innovative ways of helping each other and their communities, their dedication to remaining resilient and their ability to keep their genuine ‘Bula’ smiles. We are aiming to share all this with consumers through our online channels to give them a taste of what awaits them on their next trip to Fiji.”Tourism Fiji has also launched a platform for tourism industry partners to allow them to use the new messaging and develop their own promotions.“We are confident that our new message will resonate with our visitors, as it is genuine and real,” said Stoeckel. “Despite all the challenges being faced as a result of COVID-19, the Bula Spirit is alive and well and will be awaiting travelers on their next visit to Fiji.” Let's block ads! (Why?)