Harley Davidson Sundowner seat for Dynas – solo seat & passenger seat (Springville) $150

QR Code Link to This Post For Dynas. Used in good condition. Passenger pillion can be detached when not needed. Much more comfortable than stock seats, we just no longer have the bike we used it on. The solo seat by itself is $250 new and the passenger seat is $170... Hell of a deal.Solo seat: https://harley-davidson.com/store/sundowner-deep-bucket-solo-seat-pa-16-5193306--1Passenger seat: https://harley-davidson.com/store/sundowner-passenger-pillionThere's a small imperfection on the passenger seat that is barely visible but looks a little shinier at certain angles... May just need leather conditioner. I tried to include it in the photos but it's difficult because it's so tough to see in the first place.Meet in Springville or Marion some days. Let's block ads! (Why?)