Grenfell Fire Inquiry Phase 1 Report Coming Soon

Grenfell Fire Inquiry Phase 1 Report Coming Soon Phase 2 of the Inquiry will examine issues that include the high-rise tower’s original design and modifications, fire and safety measures in it at the time of the fire, and where and why the fire began. Mar 18, 2019 The chairman of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, is expected to release his report on the Inquiry's Phase 1 this spring. Phase 2 of the Inquiry will examine issues that include the high-rise tower's riginal design and modifications, fire and safety measures in it at the time of the fire, and where and why the fire began on June 14, 2017, inside the London high-rise residential tower. The independent Inquiry is examining the circumstances leading up to and surrounding the fire, which killed 72 people, and will make recommendations in order to prevent a similar tragedy from happening again. The Grenfell Outreach Team continues to offer NHS wellness and support services across London for adults and children affected by the fire. The Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service is hosting a listening event where members of the community can share their views and ideas on the service, as well as talk about any health concerns, on March 19. The Grenfell Outreach Team is available daily. Moore-Bick said in December 2018 that the Inquiry will seek to investigate, as far as it properly can, the deaths caused by the fire. As of Feb. 28, 2019, the Inquiry had received more than 540,000 documents in total and estimated it will eventually receive approximately 600,000 documents. Let's block ads! (Why?)