Episode 148: How to strategize for the next quarter (century)

Week in ReviewTune in around 5:25 for a roundup of news.Here’s what it will take to get aviation biofuels off the groundHow financial innovation could ease the plastic-pollution problemFeatured StoriesThe fragility of the moment (12:04)The sustainability movement obsesses over goals that are years and decades into the future, but teams can't forget to reflect on the here and now. "It is important for us to focus on a future that is just and sustainable. ... But I think it's been really clear to me, over the past couple of months in particular, that as we talk about the future, that one of the things we need to give as much attention to is the fragility of the present," reflects Aron Cramer, CEO of BSR, in conversation with GreenBiz co-founder and executive editor Joel Makower. Get ready to suspend disbelief (21:02)From climate disruption to automation to artificial intelligence, the world is changing in many "rapid, complex, interconnected, uncertain and nonlinear" ways. The BSR's Sustainable Futures Lab has published four scenarios to help sustainability teams with planning. The lab's executive director, Jacob Park, shares suggestions for how sustainability teams can use these possible futures to reshape strategy today. Crowdsourcing to address the SDGs (33:08)A growing number of multinational companies is using the Sustainable Development Goals to frame long-term priorities, but progress on actual action has been slow since the United Nations adopted the framework three years ago. Can more corporate collaboration speed up innovation? That is the mission of CoLab, a new BSR initiative created to crowdsource ideas related to the SDGs. Peder Michael Pruzan-Jorgensen, senior vice president of BSR's Copenhagen office, offers more details.   *All music in this episode by Lee Rosevere ("Try Anything Once," "I'm Going for a Coffee" and "Arcade Montage.")What's new at GreenBiz?News, events, webcasts — the list goes on. Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest in sustainability by keeping up with GreenBiz.• The upside of being digital. How can data and analytics drive even higher rates of improvement for environmental, safety, health and quality programs? This free interactive webcast will explore how sustainability teams can leverage digital technologies for clear market differentiation. Register here for the discussion at 1 p.m. EST Nov. 13.• Do we have a newsletter for you! Monday's GreenBuzz and Wednesday's VERGE Weekly are essentially unchanged. But the lineup includes Transport Weekly (Tuesday), Energy Weekly (Thursday) and Circular Weekly (Friday). You must subscribe to each newsletter in order to receive it. Please visit this page to choose the newsletters you want to receive.• Check out our Center Stage podcast, which features the best of live interviews on sustainable business and clean technology, conducted on stage at GreenBiz and VERGE conferences.• The GreenBiz Intelligence Panel is the survey body we poll regularly throughout the year on key trends and developments in sustainability. To become part of the panel, click here. Enrolling is free and should take two minutes.Stay connectedTo make sure you don't miss the newest episodes of GreenBiz 350, subscribe on iTunes.Have a question or suggestion for a future segment? E-mail us at [email protected].