Statement from CSB Chairperson Vanessa Allen Sutherland on CSB Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Results

 Begin Statement  I am pleased to see that the recent FEVS survey results - released by the Office of Personal Management - saw a significant increase in a number of important areas for the Chemical Safety Board (CSB). Of the six agencies with fewer than 1000 employees, our agency saw the highest increase in employee satisfaction – with a 22 point gain. The FEVS scores are extremely important to the CSB and we took a significant effort to review our previous scores and challenged ourselves on how to improve the agency’s effectiveness, productivity and compliance. With a small but dedicated staff I am certain we can continue to do the great work that we have become known for while all the while improving internally. The CSB is truly a learning organization, we are always examining the way we do things and determining how we can be more efficient.  I am extremely pleased that the hard work of management and staff has had a positive impact on our 2017 scores. End Statement Back