Are You Leaving Vacation Time on the Table?

PHOTO: A deserted boat off a secluded beach in The Bahamas. (photo by Eric Bowman) Americans are missing out on vacation time—and it looks like it’s their choice, according to a new consumer survey by Travel Leaders Group.The survey found that 31 percent of those polled leave vacation days on the table while those who do take vacations don’t leave the job entirely behind: Of the approximate 94 percent of respondents who said they “have taken or will take” at least one vacation, 62.3 percent check work emails and or voicemails during their trip.The survey, conducted April 3 to April 30, includes responses from 2,854 consumers throughout the United States.“The good news is that the percentage of those surveyed who say they forfeit well-deserved vacation days has decreased from 38.5 percent in 2014 to 31 percent today,” said Ninan Chacko, Travel Leaders Group CEO. “However, there is a significant increase in individuals staying ‘plugged in’ to work while on vacation, according to our new survey,” he added. “Studies have shown that people who take vacations are happier, have improved mental and physical health, and are more productive.”Chacko also noted the positive economic findings from the survey.“More than nine out of 10 people surveyed will take at least one vacation and a vast majority will spend the same amount or more their leisure travel compared to last year,” he said. “What is a growing concern is the final implementation of the REAL ID Act and, specifically, states that are non-compliant.”More than 42 percent of respondents don’t know if their state is compliant, according to the survey. If their states are non-compliant, residents won’t be able to board commercial domestic flights with standard issued drivers’ licenses beginning next year. READ MORE Travel Leaders Group Unveils New Consumer Tool  Other survey findings include:—Over 62 percent of those surveyed said they are plugged into work and checking on business at least some of the time. Only 37.7 percent of respondents said they “never” check in with work while on vacation. In 2014, that percentage was just over 51 percent.—Nearly 90 percent said the total number of leisure trips they expect to take this year will be either the same or more than last year. (30.5 percent said “more” while 58.9 percent said “the same.”)—Close to 86 percent of those polled said they will spend the same or more on leisure trips this year compared to 2016. (39.6 percent will spend “more” while 46.3 percent will spend “the same” on leisure trips compared to 2016.) —75 percent of those surveyed plan to travel within the U.S. and farther than a bordering state, including 39.5 within their home state. 39.8 percent will travel to Canada, Mexico and/or Caribbean while only 24 percent plan to visit other international destinations.Travel Leaders Group companies include the flagship Travel Leaders brand, as well as Cruise Specialists, Nexion, Protravel International, and Tzell Travel Group.