Going Nomad? There’s a Startup for That

 PHOTO: Terminal 3's next session will begin in Thailand. (Photo via Flickr/Jorge Brazil)If you are thinking that a nomadic life on the road is in line with your career path, there’s a startup that can help you. Forbes speaks with entrepreneur Mevish Aslam, who started Terminal 3, a group of digital nomads that work and travel the world together. Terminal 3 does all the legwork for its entrepreneurs and freelancers. They find the accommodations, set up Wi-Fi access and office space, exploring a different city each month."At Terminal 3, we believe traveling is the best investment in your growth," Aslam tells Forbes.The program really takes the guesswork out of going nomad. “Our programs are designed by remote workers for remote workers and last for six months; however, we also offer the flexibility of joining on a month-by-month basis,” she says. READ MORE: Digital Nomads Carve a Niche in the Hotel Industry Terminal 3 participants also get involved in the local community as well as take a group excursion. “In Morocco, we mentored social entrepreneurs. In Berlin, we volunteered at a Syrian refugee camp,” says Aslam. The next session begins in Thailand before heading to Malaysia, Japan, Spain, Croatia and the Czech Republic. For more on Terminal 3, read on here.