2012 KLR 650 – 2,678 miles (Greenwood) $5200

QR Code Link to This Post 2,678 miles $7,393+ in bike: bought for $6,535 new in August 2012, added $858 in add ons:- SW-Motech crash bars ($240 new: http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/sw-motech-crash-bars-kawasaki-klr650-2008-2015#reviews_tab)- K9 anodized fork brace ($97 new - similar to this unanodized brace: http://www.happy-trail.com/find-your-bike/kawasaki/klr650e-08/suspension/k9-fork-brace-klr650e.html)- Zero Gravity tall touring windscreen ($90 new: http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/zero-gravity-sport-touring-windscreen-kawasaki-klr650-2008-2015)- Pivot Pegz ($165 new: http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/zero-gravity-sport-touring-windscreen-kawasaki-klr650-2008-2015)- Structurally Unique Luggage Rack w/ pannier mounts ($328 new: http://www.happy-trail.com/su-rack-klr650e.html)- (2) 40mm Ammo Can panniers (~$40 each)Title in hand Cash onlyText three17-865-oh29oh