Επείγει η υιοθεσία της τυφλ…

Facebook .com/profile.php?id=100001937290576" >http://graph.Facebook .com/100001937290576/picture" width="50" height="50
Facebook .com/profile.php?id=100001937290576" >Maria Orfanakou 11:08pm Nov 29
Επείγει η υιοθεσία της τυφλής γατούλας, έχει άμεση ανάγκη από ένα παντοτινό σπίτι, κοινοποιήστε!!! Είναι ένα απίστευτα χαδιάρικο, όμορφο γατάκι και έχει ΑΜΕΣΗ ανάγκη υιοθεσίας...!!! Τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας 6975919349.
This beautiful kitty was born in Thessaloniki, Greece from a stray cat. She was lucky as she was living in the yard of a family who took care of her and decided to foster her until she finds here forever home! She is a very special kitten as she is totally blind and definitely would not survive on the streets.... She is vaccinated and going to be neutered. Help for her adoption by sharing her album!!!!! Whoever is interested in adopting the sweetie, contact Stamatia on 00306975919349