Author Archives: Stefanie Valentic EHS Today

Sincerely Stefanie: Ready for Take-Off: Be Prepared to Fly Healthy

In the past year, I have traveled to Phoenix, New Orleans, San Diego and Berlin, Germany. While some flights have been more enjoyable than others, I’ve had my fair share of middle seats, disruptive passengers and bumpy rides. However, these things don’t hold a candle to the grimy feeling I get trying to determine how long it’s been since the seat I’m in was last disinfected and cleaned, or the shudder I get every time the toilet flushes and the smell that emanates from the bathroom seemingly tends to permeate the entire cabin for at least a couple minutes. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that people are more likely to get sick on planes because the cabin air humidity is under 20%, compared to home humidity which reaches 30% or higher.I conducted some research to find out how often aircrafts are wiped down. A July 2019 article by Marc Stewart on writes that “aircraft cleaning is typically divided into three phases: daily, overnight and long-term.” Stewart received details about cleaning routines from representatives of American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Frontier Airlines and Spirit Airlines.All of the airlines contacted confirmed that “limited” cleaning occurs between flights, which includes lavatories, tray tables and seats. Overnight, planes supposedly are vacuumed, and alleys and walls get special attention. Deep cleaning, which usually involves washing tray tables, overhead bins and ceiling, happens every 30-45 days. The thoroughness of these cleanings largely depends on destinations and outside contractors, according to the article. In an October 2018 investigation into airline cleanliness, Canada’s Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) sent staff to collect more than 100 samples on 18 flights. They swabbed various areas and discovered that many of the surfaces were “not cleaned well or often enough.” Microbiologist Keith Warriner, who analyzed the samples, found that the top five areas of the aircraft with highest bacterial counts included seatbelts, tray tables, bathroom handles, seat pockets and headrests. Headrests led the pack for the highest aerobic bacteria count, with Warriner also finding E. coli on this specific area. To say my research didn’t surprise me would be a lie. However, making sure your traveling workers are equipped with the proper personal protective equipment and prepared for long flights should be part of your overall processes. UPMC Health Plan’s seven tips for long flights are a good place to start: 1. Keep moving.More than 300 million travelers each year develop blood clots or deep-vein thrombosis on long flights. Encourage your workers to get up and move after departure and to wear compression socks if needed. 2. Wipe down your surroundings.Sticky tray tables and stained seats are visible, but the germs are not. Carry alcohol-based wipes to stay clean and eliminate your exposure to bacteria as much as possible. 3. Boost your immunity.Are you flying to countries more readily affected by diseases such as malaria or cholera? Make sure everyone on your staff is up-to-date on shots, especially when traveling to high-risk areas. 4. Stay hydrated.Dehydration affects sleep and could make jet lag worse, leading to an unsuccessful business trip. Encourage workers to drink water before and after flights. 5. Get sufficient sleep.Sleep deprivation could weaken the immune system, leading to illness. UPMC recommends at least eight hours of sleep before take off. 6. Wash your hands.Provide hand sanitizers or recommend workers carry some during travel. If washing hands isn’t an option, a sanitizer with at least a 60% alcohol base can stop the spread of germs. 7. Use air vents.UPMC wraps up this list with the following recommendation, “Always set your ventilation to a medium setting so that infectious diseases don’t settle into your personal space and are instead blown away by the air current.” Next time you or a worker are planning to travel via airplane, remember that the middle seat should be the least of your concerns. Bacteria counts are sky high, and not taking precautions could lead to a rough landing when it comes to illness.  Let's block ads! (Why?)

Women in Safety: How to Attract, Retain and Develop a Diverse Workforce

In the American workforce, women have long struggled to have a voice, no matter the industry in which they aspire to build their careers. Female safety professionals in particular face a dynamic set of obstacles as they work to climb the leadership ladder and have a say in decisions that directly impact the injury and illness rates of a diverse workplace.  This conundrum most recently was examined in “Women and Safety in the Modern Workplace: Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace,” a report the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) released in April 2019. “Diversifying the safety profession is not about meeting quotas. It’s really about safety,” states Jennifer McNelly, ASSP CEO in the organization’s report. “We want to create work environments that ensure that all employees are safe. If women — or any other group — don’t have a voice at the table, then their perspectives are lost, along with opportunities to protect the workforce at large.”EHS Today recently gathered insight from three safety leaders who described their personal experiences and the strides the industry has made to becoming a more inclusive environment. EHS Today: What challenges did you see in your career?  How did you overcome them? Holly Burgess, EHS manager, Siemens Mobility Inc.:  I started my career almost 20 years ago when EHS was mainly male dominated and women were just starting to come into this part of the workforce. A lot of times it was hard for people to take me seriously. I found that if I took the time to listen to people and respect their opinions, that the respect became mutual. Once you have that, it’s a lot easier to get buy-in from people. This is something that I have kept with me throughout my career.  Kathleen Dobson, safety director, Alberici Constructors: One of the issues I faced was coming into an industry (union construction) I knew very little about. The culture, the workforce, the work environment were all much different than what I was used to. Additionally, I was the first woman most of the workers saw in a leadership/management position as a safety director. So I was frequently challenged to prove myself as to what I knew and how I was going to deal with the issues I faced. The one thing that helped me more than anything else was once I understood that almost everyone I worked with knew more about construction than I did. From young, inexperienced apprentices to veteran workers – all of them had worked with their hands, were builders and creators, and most knew a lot about safe work. I allowed myself to be the student and learned from them as I became indoctrinated into the construction culture. Once I wasn’t thought of as the enemy, but rather as a collaborator, my work became much easier.  Adrianne Pearson, owner, Evolving EHS: Some of the challenges include not gaining a seat at the table with decision-makers or having my voice heard. Being pushed aside, ignored or not dealt with by superiors, some who are nearing the end of their careers. Some ways I overcame this is being open to learning the personality traits and work behaviors of those I work with. I worked at gaining an understanding of how those I work with obtain and receive information. If it’s technical, then present my case from a technical standpoint. If it is money/costs (which most of the time it is), then present my case from that standpoint.  EHS Today: What opportunities do you see for women in the safety industry? Burgess: EHS overall has so many opportunities. There are many different specialties that have broken off from just general EHS, which opens it up for more women. Also, a lot of us have paved the way for other women to start going into EHS. I am amazed at the support system that I have seen come out in the past few years. Most of us that started in this field a long time ago did not have that type of support system. You may have had support from local groups, but it was nothing in comparison to what we have today!  And we have made such an impact that manufacturers are now starting to look at personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically for women!  There is opportunity to make a difference not in just certain industries where you work, but a large overall difference in standards.   Dobson: Women can make a big difference in the industry, whether in the trades or in management. The opportunities are almost endless, as companies understand that their own growth and success is built partially on a diverse and collaborative workforce. The glass ceiling is ready to be demolished and reconstructed with people who support inclusion, diversity, dependability and leadership. When women make up 50% of the overall workforce, we should be able to represent more than 9 or 10% of the construction workforce, and companies are beginning to recognize that there is untapped talent in the workplace.   Pearson: There are many!  If you’re willing, listen and are open-minded you’ll be able to understand what the needs are so that you can be the solution to the needs.    EHS Today: What advice can you give to safety leaders/companies about attracting, developing and retaining talent? Burgess: When it comes to having talent in the workforce, there are a few things that need to be done to bring in talent and keep them there. When you bring in someone, it has to be somewhere that they want to be – somewhere inviting. The last thing someone wants to be is in a work environment where they are not comfortable or where management truly doesn’t feel that safety is number one. Managers have to WANT the talent they bring in and do whatever they can to keep it. So, how do you keep it? The main thing is building relationships. Build a relationship with the person. Take that information and help them grow. Dobson: Attracting talent is easy. Keeping it and developing it is a challenge a lot of organizations don’t put a lot of effort into. As companies and leaders look to attract, develop and retain women in construction, I’d recommend looking at issues related to PPE, sanitation, ergonomics and policies related to a safe work culture for the field workforce. Identify what’s important both new and experienced members of your corporate team. Some of the issues I’ve seen for women and men are having policies on work-life balance; supporting families; give opportunities for education; be aware of mental health issues in your industry; always have a mentorship program for new talent; and offer real opportunities for new experiences for everyone.  Pearson: Don’t be quick to judge people. Give people the opportunity to speak, let their voice be heard so that their ideas and thoughts are said. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Follow-through is extremely important. When interest is shown/demonstrated, take advantage of it. When excitement/enthusiasm is noticeable and seen, foster it and give people the tools to keep that going. Know and encourage people to identify their personality traits. This does not put people into boxes but rather helps with knowing how people receive and interpret information. Be sure to recognize and give credit to people, whether that’s in front of colleagues (staff meetings, other meetings, etc.) or at large gatherings (social events, BBQs, etc.).  Let's block ads! (Why?)

September 2019 Safety Product Innovations

View the latest products from EHS Today's September 2019 issue. EHS Today's print edition highlights the latest personal protective equipment, software and safety products ranging from footwear to training. Our September 2019 issue features innovations from Rockford Systems, Petzl and Ansell. To view product descriptions and photos, use the arrows to move back and forth through the slideshow. Let's block ads! (Why?)

Preparing for Active Shooters with Safety Technology

For the past 30 years, Joel Vetter, chief of fire rescue services for Suffolk County, New York, has seen an evolution in the types of threats that call for emergency preparedness. He’s observed schools and the American public at large move from simple procedures such as stop, drop and roll to full-scale drills to prepare for mass shooting situations, or what he considers, “the new norm.” “In today’s culture, unfortunately with the threat in our region of gang violence, the opioid epidemic and the risk of mass shootings or gun violence, there are risk factors that are telling us not if, but more of when a large scale mass casualty incident will happen,” Vetter says. The need for dedicated emergency preparedness professionals was borne out of the civil defense era, he notes. Before the terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001, retired military, fire chiefs or police chiefs put on the metaphorical hat to provide emergency support for large-scale events. Since then, the need for such officials has transitioned into a full-time profession. “It’s blossomed into a career path specifically out of the presidential declarations post-Sept. 11, which now has people with higher education and degrees focused on the five phases of emergency management: prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, mitigation,” he explains. “That’s a change in comparison to back when everything was more of a reactive environment to where now we are posturing, leaning forward with governmental services and solutions in a proactive manner.” The widespread adoption of the Internet, cell phones and social media has opened the door to new technology advancements that are changing the way crucial information reaches the public. In a time when the prevalence of mass shootings in America touches every citizen in some capacity, these new platforms are assisting law enforcement and emergency management officials with identifying and broadcasting events in an effort to save lives. Implementation  Suffolk County, the easternmost county in New York state, has an estimated population of nearly 1.5 million residents. The coastal county is susceptible to natural disasters such as tropical storms, hurricanes and flooding. Seven years ago, Suffolk County’s Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services (FRES) began using Smart911, a software that allows citizens to provide 911 call takers and first responders with critical information. Before the implementation, manual paper databases and binders were maintained, which caused inefficient methods of data access during situations when seconds count. “When a storm came, we had a very tedious process of manually calling and trying to figure out who needed our help,” Vetter says. Smart911 allowed the department to be more proactive during national disasters and other emergency situations. Once the platform was built out and dispatchers and other personnel were trained, Vetter began to research the mechanism needed to propagate messages from FRES to the general public. Dissemination Now that Suffolk County had a way of collecting and accessing data with the click of a button, connecting that to alert software was the next step.  In 2018, Vetter spearheaded the implementation of the Rave Mobile Panic smartphone app, which is supported through $2 million of county funding. The measure is aimed directly at enhancing communications in response to potential active shootings in the county’s schools, although it is used in a broader scope of emergencies. “We use the systems across the board in all kinds of emergencies, whether it’s a weather event and we’re tailoring information to maybe a snow event, or those that have cardiac conditions or other concerns,” Vetter says. “Maybe we’re sending them targeted messaging about safety techniques. It could also be useful in a large, violent situation where we’re pre-notifying the public and connecting the information that we have in seconds or minutes to regional areas to be able to avoid situations.” Instead of utilizing multiple apps, Panic Button app users can use the integrated system to receive information sent directly from the county as well as National Weather Service alerts. Vetter describes it as a one-stop shop that services Suffolk County residents.  Users of this technology can also send messages directly back to FRES with Eyewitness tip software, which is also interconnected with both Smart911 and Rave Panic, allowing for immediate responses to emergencies. Adoption Although Suffolk County has invested millions of dollars into transforming emergency management, the challenge remains to convince citizens to utilize these platforms to promulgate urgent information in the event of a mass shooting or disaster. It’s nearly impossible to have every single person adapt to these new methods of communication. However, with platforms such as Smart911, users can create multiple profiles for parents, children and other family members. “By me being able to build my parents and my in-laws and grandparents into my profile, it’s something that they don’t have to manage, and I don’t have to go to multiple locations,” Vetter explains. “It’s one family profile.” FRES also has benefited from municipalities and universities who have already taken strides to invest in these technologies. Stony Brook University, a state school in Suffolk County, is already using Rave. Vetter says it was just a matter of exchanging facility and student profile data that allowed FRES to enhance the immediate response to emergencies at the school. Since the implementation, the department already has seen the benefits. Vetter recounts a specific example in which a school principal used Rave Panic to assist a bus driver who was in cardiac arrest. “The principal, who was outside every day doing his job, pushed the medical Panic Button,” he says. “That not only allowed him to connect to 911, it instantaneously notified the school security as well as the school nurse of the incident and where he was.” By the time the principal connected with 911 operators, the school nurse arrived with an AED along with a security officer. The transportation director also was able to receive an alert to the incident, which allowed him to secure a spare driver, allowing children to depart from school and go home.  As for the driver in cardiac arrest, Vetter says, “The person in medical crisis was able to receive a quicker response and a more appropriate level of care with that information.” In another instance, Vetter describes how embedded GPS allowed dispatchers to save the life of a paddleboarder who fell off his paddleboard and couldn’t make his way back on it.  “The 911 operators in fire rescue were able to plot and ping his phone as he drifted in the water,” he says. “Instead of sending the boats to where we think they are, when a dispatcher says, ‘Where are you exactly in the water?’ someone can tell them, ‘I think I’m six or seven miles off of this spot.’ We knew his exact location, and we were able to send the boats to where he was drifting to and not where he was.” Vetter goes onto say, “It drastically took a process that might be extensive, and it shrunk it down to a very small footprint. We have usage like that almost on a weekly basis to where the communication center has now chalked it up to this is just them doing their job. But the technology is definitely improving the response times and the outcomes to situations.”  Let's block ads! (Why?)

NSC 2019: Workplace Violence and Mass Shootings

With the prevalance of active and mass shootings in the United States, employers should have a emergency response plan to protect workers. However, some companies wait to have a plan because leadership doesn't see the possibility of it happening, said Jack Jackson, SafeStart senior consultant, at the 2019 National Safety Congress and Expo in San Diego. "We have to talk about it now, rather than later," Jackson told attendees. "We don't need to sit complacent in our surroundings and in our own little world because we don't think it could happen." Jackson explained how threats leading to a violent incident in the workplace can happen both on and off the job. A person must plan for both scenarios. Safety professionals can train workers to recognize signs to prevent an incident from occurring. "We can never say enough about these incidents until we do something about them," he said. "Either we can plan now, or we can wait for something to happen and then you get to decide." He referenced the Aug,4, 2019 mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, in which a lone gunmen killed 10 people. Jackson explained, "Police were able to take down the gunman because they were training and had a plan in the event that will happen." During an attack, Jackson alluded to the 3 Fs: Fight, Flight or Freeze. A pre-determined plan will reduce the chance someone will freeze in an active shooting situation. During an incident, a person will fall to the level of training they had to make decisions. Stress limits the ability of a person to perceive information and make a plan. Jackson said following levels of stress can dictate how well someone responds: White: Not alert, comfortable in surroundings, best for being at home. Yellow: Relaxed alert, not caught off guard, eyes and mind are on the task you are performing. Orange: Possible threat. Extra vigilant and aware of what is going on around you, increased heart rate. Red: Optimal level for tactical and survival skills. Threat has been verified. Fine motor skills compromised.  Grey:  High heart rate. Physical and mental performance suffers - slow auditory response. Complex motor skills compromised. Black: System overload. Possible evacuation of bladder and bowels. An emergency response plan can help someone in an active or mass shooter situation overcome stress and respond accordingly. Jackson also informed the audience about the "Run, Hide, Fight" widespread tactic of reacting to an active shooter incident. Watch the video to get Jackson's insight on the "Fight" response of active shooter response protocol. [embedded content] Let's block ads! (Why?)

NSC 2019: Top 3 New Product Showcase Winners

Dozens of companies showcased their new innovations at National Safety Council's (NSC) 5th annual New Product Showcase at the National Safety Congress and Expo in San Diego. The 2019 winners were announced just before the NSC occupational keynote to a ballroom of 2,000 attendees. Featured personal protective equipment ranges from software to hard hats to wrench. Each year, NSC participants cast votes for their favorite PPE. THIRD PLACE Maincal SA, Energy 420G SECOND PLACE Task Gloves, Versus Plus VII - VSP72670HO BEST IN SHOW EGA Master, Total Safety Slogging Wrench 2018 Winners:Win: MSA - V-EDGE™ Self-Retracting LifelinePlace: Werner Co. - Max Patrol Edge SRLShow: Kimberly-Clark Professional - KleenGuard™ Maverick™ Eye Protection 2017 Winners:Win: MSA – ATLAIR 4XR Multigas DetectorPlace: Werner Co. – Proform™ F3 HarnessShow: Conney Safety Products, A Division of WESCO Distribution, Inc. – Direct Safety® Karbonex™ Dusk Mechanic Gloves Let's block ads! (Why?)

Sincerely Stefanie: Automakers Should Feel the Heat

It’s September. Here in Ohio, the smell of fall is in the air. Condensation sits on the windows of cars left outside overnight. It’s jacket weather in the morning, and by mid-day short sleeves are the norm.My best friend for the past 10 years, Napoleon Bone-aparte, begs to come for a ride. I want to take him, but I know I need to stop at the store and can’t leave him in the car, knowing the sun is still going to heat the interior to unbearable temperatures while I run in for a few minutes. For parents with errands to run or places to go, leaving a child at home is not an option. With changes in routines and schedules, dozens of sleeping children per year are forgotten in vehicles, leading to their untimely, heat-related deaths.At the time of this issue’s publication, 35 children nationwide have died in hot cars. According to, a nonprofit dedicated to saving the lives of young children and pets in and around vehicles, 2018 was the worst year for documented hot car deaths, with a total of 53 fatalities. The organization also cited 62 pets that succumbed to hot car temperatures. These preventable deaths led to the development of a technology by General Motors back in 2001, but which has yet to be implemented nearly 20 years later. Why?“We are targeting a sensor like this for certain vans and full-size utilities; we intend to begin this rollout in the 2004 calendar year, to alert caregivers or passersby about the presence of an unattended child in a potentially dangerous, hot vehicle,” said former GM vice chairman Harry Pearce in the initial announcement. The automobile manufacturer described the technology as a sensor focused on the rear seating area of a vehicle. The device detects a child or pet is present and triggers a “unique horn alarm” if temperatures have the potential to increase to potentially dangerous levels. “The sensor will then cause the horn to sound three distinct ‘chirps,’ similar to the ‘S’ in an SOS distress signal,” GM described.On Aug. 13, 2019, 50 families implored Mary Barra, current CEO and chairman of General Motors, to implement the already-developed innovation as standard on all of its vehicles. The manufacturer currently offers a door sequencing system that provides a reminder to look in the rear seat, rather than the 2001 tech that actually detects the presence of a living being.“The reminder system would not alert the driver at the final destination in a number of very common scenarios, which is deceptively dangerous,” the families wrote.  “For example, if the driver stops for gas and the back door is not opened again while stopped, they will not receive the reminder alert when they arrive at their final destination. GM’s decision means that families are being denied a system that has the potential to save the life of a child.”In an interview with EHS Today, Director Amber Rollins explains the convoluted process to requiring this feature in every automobile.  “It is much like any other safety feature that we have in our vehicles today. It will take an act of Congress to require it before the automakers will install it as standard equipment. And this is just historically how things have been handled,” she says. “I’m very sad that it takes that. Every safety feature that you see in your vehicle—seatbelts, airbags, stability control, backup cameras, safer power windows…the list goes on and on. They all had to be required in vehicles before we had them as standard equipment.”As of 2018, Hyundai’s 2019 Santa Fe SUV was the first vehicle to offer a rear-seat motion detection system. The automaker plans to make the child-monitoring system standard on most of its new vehicles by 2022. Other manufacturers need to take charge ahead of any Congressional actions before more lives are lost.“One of the reasons for that is because it costs the auto industry money to add a new feature to a vehicle,” Rollins says. “But they’re adding new features every day. We have air-conditioned seats now. What’s more important, having a cool tushy or a baby dying in a hot car? I mean, there’s really no excuse when the technology exists, why it’s not being used.”Air-conditioned seats and pet-friendly cargo holds are a luxury. Even remote start is a convenience. It’s time to prioritize new safety technology that will protect children and pets. Let's block ads! (Why?)

NSC 2019: Impossible is a Total Fallacy

Mick Ebeling is utilizing technology for the sake of humanity. The founder and CEO of Not Impossible Labs was the opening keynote speaker the 2019 National Safety Council (NSC) Congress and Expo in San Diego. "We look for things we consider to be absurd, usually social issues, and we jump on those absurdities," he told the packed conference ballroom. We try to solve them and make it assessible for people." Ebeling drew parallels between his company and the safety industry, telling the story about how Not Impossible Labs creates devices and software to assist those with challenges such as poverty, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Parkinson's disease. Safety professionals, he said, identify "absurdities" or hazards in the workplace and commit to changing processes or implementing technology to create a safe environment for all employees. "Impossible is a total fallacy," he said. "The way that you change the world is that you start individually...not waiting for someone else to do it for them or for permission." Change starts with a commitment to change the disparities of one person or issue that will cascade into solving that same problem for others. Ebeling pointed to audience members, mentioning that NSC members are staying in hotels and will likely not have to worry about from where their next meal is coming.  He asked them, "Can we establish that we're blessed? How can you use this to help other people?" He concluded to a standing ovation, "Who will be the one person you're going to help?" [embedded content] Let's block ads! (Why?)

Fatality Investigation: Miner Drowns in Impoundment Pond

On Dec. 29, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. 25-year-old Caleb Brown began his shift at Centralia Coal Mine in Centralia, Wash. Brown began his shift with a safety meeting led by Ronald Coleman, the night shift supervisor. Workers rotated positions every three to four hours during the shift. Coalview Centralia LLC was the contractor hired by Trans Alta Centralia Mining LLC, Centralia Mine owner and operator, to suction dredge fine coal refuse from the mine. After the huddle, Brown drove out to the impoundment to start operating the suction dredge and replace William Bachman, a plant operator ending his shift.  Bachman informed Brown that the walking surface of the starboard side of the stern pontoon was around 1 in. below the water surface. Bachman released some tension on the stern-line and brought the pontoon up about 4 in. above the water line.  Bachman then left the suction dredge, but returned when he discovered that he forgot his portable radio. He retrieved it and left once again. Shortly after, Mathew Rumley, another colleague, discovered the power indicator lights were not on for the suction dredge. He then traveled by boat to check on the dredge and found it had sunk with only the A-frame protruding out of the water. According to investigators, Brian Casperson, Trans Alta’s shift supervisor, called emergency responders at 7:54 p.m. A search effort was launched, and called off for poor visibility and conditions.  The next day, rescue divers recovered Brown's body in the dredge operator's compartment. He was wearing a floatation device, but the divers who found Brown said it was difficult to get the compartment door open. Medical examiners ruled Brown's cause of death as drowning. Widespread Hazards Investigators examined the dredge, noting the hazardous conditions were "obvious and widespread." Numerous modifications were made the the equipment, including replacining the diesel engine with four electric motors and removement of port and starboard bilge pumps on the bow end of the hull. The starboard door did not line up properly with doorframe. Despite the port door lining up, the plunger was badly worn and came apart during the investigation.  Management was aware of the hazards and condition of the suction dredge yet continued to allow its operation. Investigators found an electronic file containing the observations noted during the mine operator's daily inspections, but these were not recorded in the preshift/on-shift daily report book. Conclusion Brown, who had 21 weeks of experience, died because the mine contractor did not have adequate policies and procedures regarding the suction dredge's pontoons, bilge pumps, and dredge operator’s compartment doors to safely conduct mining operations. According to investigators, the mine contractor conducted inadequate on shift examinations and took no action to correct hazardous conditions. This was a summary of the final report prepared by Donald R. Vickers, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) acting district manager. The full contents of the report are available on MSHA's website. Let's block ads! (Why?)

Renewable Energy Drives Need for Wind Turbine Industry Safety

A consortium of wind power companies are collaborating to provide standard safety training and emergency management for industry organizations across the globe. Eleven representatives from North America are joining within the Global Wind Organisation (GWO) to reduce injuries in the growing renewable energies sector. “The wind turbine industry is growing as the demand for renewable energy is accelerating," said Brian Walencik, GWO North America committee chair and EHS leader for GE Wind Onshore. "The challenge we all face is hiring qualified technicians who have recognizable safety training and technical skills so they can more efficiently and effectively help meet demand while reducing total injuries.” Members of the GWO North America committee represent both manufacturers and owner operators. The task force includes: Brian Walencik – GE Wind, Onshore (Chair) Gary Aucoin – Equinor Karl Delooff – Acciona Energia Adell Heneghan – E.On Climate & Renewables Michael Hanson – GE Renewables – Offshore Isabelle Le Beau – Enercon Autumn Lewis – The Nordex Group Dan Ortega – Vestas Geoffrey Schmidt – Siemens Gamesa David Yang – Ørsted Training standards are designed for the industry, by the industry. Modules include Basic Safety, Basic Technical, Advanced Rescue, Enhanced First Aid and Blade Repair, with new Rigger Signal Person training standard available Oct. 1, 2019.   Records are verified online through the GWO WINDA database, allowing companies to check the certification status of their employees and potential recruits.  “The role of our committee is to determine the best ways to collaborate on standardized training and procedures to benefit the industry, training providers, our employees and contractors," Walencik commented. "At the end of the day, the goal is simple: Safety.” Safety training is becoming more crucial to the industry as renewables eclipse coal generation in the United States for the first time. In April 2019, renewables outperformed coal by 16%, according to the Energy Information Administration. The industry employes 114,000 men and women, according to the American Wind Energy Association. In Canada, wind energy is the lowest-cost option for electricity generation, according to the GWO. The country's annual growth rate of wind energy is 20% or the past 10 years. Let's block ads! (Why?)