EU-OSHA contributes to ECDC’s updated report on COVID-19 in educational settings

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has published the ‘COVID-19 in children and the role of school settings in transmission – second update’ report, which revises the role that children play in the transmission of SARSCov2, and the role of schools in the COVID-19 pandemic.The report highlights school staff’s occupational safety and health (OSH), not only for educators and teachers, but also administrative staff, security guards and janitors. It also underlines the importance of workplace risk assessment, worker consultation and the involvement of occupational health services in setting measures and testing strategies. Finally, it also mentions the need to protect vulnerable workers, such as those with chronic diseases and pregnant and breastfeeding women. Visit EU-OSHA’s section ‘Mainstreaming OSH into education’ Check our ‘COVID-19: Resources for the workplace’ Adblock test (Why?)