The Pasteur Institute has condemned the decision by the Greek Health Minister to…

The Pasteur Institute has condemned the decision by the Greek Health Minister to keep Theodoros Papademetriou on the board of directors of the country's local branch due to his role as President of the Greek Center for Disease Control during the 2012 witch-hunt depicted in our film.

This AFP post (in French) quotes Pasteur Institute official Rose-Marie Vanlerberghe expressing "preoccupation" with the decision and "firmly condemning" the Greek authorities' discriminatory practices and lack of a plan of action against HIV/AIDS.

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Le maintien par Athènes à la vice-présidence de l'antenne grecque de l'Institut Pasteur d'un responsable impliqué dans des dépistages du VIH abusifs est "un point majeur de préoccupation" pour l'institut Pasteur, écrit sa direction dans une lettre.