Biological agents and work-related diseases: resources in more language versions

A range of agency publications highlights the results of a major project focused on exposure to biological agents in the workplace and the related health effects.The aim of the project is to raise awareness of exposure to these hazards at work, provide more information on the related health problems and support efforts to prevent them. We have just published some new language versions of the following publications:   Summary - Biological agents and prevention of work-related diseases: a review Biological agents and prevention of work-related diseases: a review for experts Biological agents and prevention of work-related diseases: a review for non-experts Exposure to biological agents and related health problems in arable farming Exposure to biological agents and related health effects in the waste management and wastewater treatment sectors Exposure to biological agents and related health problems in animal-related occupations Exposure to biological agents and related health problems for healthcare workers Adblock test (Why?)