Dainese Veloster Jacket: Putting the V in Victorious!

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  • Like a bird of prey in all-out pursuit, the Dainese leather jacket ethos is always clean cut and precise. Every line is intricately crafted. Every curve is sculpted with care. Of all of the major motorcycle gear manufacturers, theirs is one of the most recognizable across the board. At the same time, however, they are not afraid to mix things up a bit, and to that end, they have introduced the new Veloster jacket.

    Dainese Veloster Leather Motorcycle JacketDainese Veloster leather jacket, the Italian mega-stars of the moto-world have retained that same cutting-edge technicality (they will always do sexy-Italian-leather-moto), but with one glance it is recognizable that the Veloster is different than most in their line. It is not overt. Nor is it overly subdued. It just is. The Veloster does not hide its differences, but at the same time, it does not need to scream them from the rooftops either. It just walks its own path, does its own thing, and leaves its own impression.

    Dainese Veloster Leather Jacket Review:

    Dainese Women's Veloster Leather Motorcycle JacketDainese Women’s Veloster Jacket for the ladies, it provides a snug fitment that conveys a confidence that can not be artificially emulated. However, at the same time, the asymmetrical pattern across the chest and back of the neck does enough to lightly jolt the senses and add a bit of visual vibrancy that really stands out amongst the crowd.

    Dainese Women's Veloster Leather Jacket Review:

    Dainese makes amazing gear. It is classic, it is instantly recognizable, and it is among the best on the planet. With the Veloster jacket, they have continued that mode of operation, yet with a jacket design that throws in a break from the aesthetic norms of the game.

    Have fun out there, be safe, and as always…

    Enjoy the ride,
