FRA – First EU-wide survey on violence and crime

41% of people in the European Union experienced harassment – ranging from offensive comments in person to threatening gestures or messages sent online - during the last five years. This corresponds to almost 110 million people in the EU experiencing various forms of aggression in one year.Given the widespread nature of this violent behaviour, the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) organised the first EU-wide survey to collect comparable data on people's experiences and responses to various violent practices. Focused on crime and the different settings where it can occur - from the internet to the workplace or the educational domain -, this survey reached out to 35,000 people in the EU.  "Crime, safety, and victims' rights" is the second main report coming out from the survey. This time, the spotlight is on the victim's experiences of violence, harassment, and property crimes. The study also examines how often these crimes are reported to the police. Let's block ads! (Why?)