EU guidelines to protect health of seasonal workers in times of COVID-19

Guidelines to ensure the protection of seasonal workers in the EU in the context of the coronavirus pandemic have been released by the European Commission. They are meant to help national authorities, labour inspectorates, and social partners to guarantee the rights, health and safety of seasonal workers.Given the temporary nature of their work, cross-border seasonal workers can be more vulnerable to precarious working and living conditions. In some cases, such problems can increase the risk of COVID-19 clusters. The European Commission is exploring further actions to boost the protection of seasonal workers' rights, such as a survey on high-risk occupations, with the help of EU-OSHA and the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee. Learn more about the EU guidelines for the protection of seasonal workers Discover and use EU-OSHA collection of resources for workplaces to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 Let's block ads! (Why?)