European Commission together with social partners tackles undeclared work

Undeclared work is a complex problem across European countries as it can occur in many occupational sectors. It defines any paid activity that is lawful in respect of its nature, but not declared to public authorities, taking into account differences in the regulatory systems of the Member States. This type of work does not guarantee stable wages for workers and can negatively influence their security, working conditions and wellbeing.The European Commission has established a Platform with approaches to tackle undeclared work and enhance cooperation between EU countries, relevant authorities and actors involved. Find more advice on how to use the platform and its toolkits on information tools and approaches, risk assessment and effective communication Migrant workers are one of the groups most at risk for unsafe and unhealthy environments. Find in OSHwiki the issues related to occupational safety and health (OSH) they face Work-related difficulties can occur also in multicultural businesses. Look into OSHwiki article on cross-cultural differences in workplaces to learn how cultural values affect OSH perception Let's block ads! (Why?)