Upcoming courses on occupational safety and health

The Nordic Institute for Advanced Training in Occupational Health (NIVA) offers some very interesting courses in occupational safety and health that will take place in the autumn. We would like to draw your attention on the selection below but on the NIVA website you can find more courses:1. Occupational Health and Safety in Agriculture and Horticulture, 24–26.9. 2019, Quality Hotel View, Malmö, Sweden 2. Physical Exercise at the Workplace – from research to practice, 10–12.9.2019, Hanaholmen, Helsinki area, Finland 3. Techniques for Assessment of Activities and Postures at the Workplace, 8–10.10.2019, STAMI – The National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway The aim of NIVA is to provide advanced training for researchers, practitioners and specialists in the field of occupational health and safety. More information and registration Let's block ads! (Why?)