Most popular Greek hotels of German holidaymakers

The five-star Pilot Beach in Georgioupolis was the most popular Greek hotel in Germany over the last fortnight, as seen through online consumer searches and travel agencies from Germany on the Traveltainment booking platform and presented by the fvw Hotelometer.Next in ranking follows the four-star Creta Star, with an average cost per person at 1,067 euros and a third place is occupied by Lindos Princess Beach in Rhodes at an average cost of 1,365 euros.See the table below with the most popular Greek hotels for the Germans during the 22.01.2018 - 04.02.2018 fortnight: Period: 22.01.2018 – 04.02.2018 (Calendar weeks 04 and 05)In the Hotelometer travel professionals can research the most popular hotels of German holidaymakers with just a few clicks. The overview covers twelve major destinations for Germans around the Mediterranean. The hotelometer is based on several million bookings from travel agencies and major travel websites, which are evaluated by TrevoTrend. The statistics are updated every two weeks and are thus always up-to-date.